TOEFL iBT Student Generated Materials
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Common Spelling Mistakes in TOEFL iBT Essays
published by TOEFL fan (19/05/10)
tags: toefl ibt, toefl ibt writing, toefl test
origin: Common Spelling Mistakes in TOEFL iBT Essays (
Improve your TOEFL iBT writing score by avoiding common spelling mistakes.
Ugh. There's no doubt about it--spelling in English is hard work. The good news, however, is that you don't have to worry too much about it: everybody makes spelling mistakes in English sometimes! Even native speakers of English have problems with spelling.
Theoretically, your TOEFL essay should be perfect, free of any misspellings. The reality is that everbody sometimes makes a mistake, even the native speaker. ...
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tags: toefl ibt speaking, toefl ibt writing, toefl test
origin: Speaking and Writing Topics (
Do you prefer traveling alone? Or traveling in a group?
What is your definition of a good trip?
Do you think traveling abroad is a waste of time?
What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled by car/train/boat/plane?
What do you think is the least dangerous country to visit?
Would you travel spontaneously, without a lot of planning?
Do most people in your country like to travel?
What are the most popular places to travel?
Is it important to know English when you travel?
What ...
tags: toefl ibt reading, toefl ibt writing, toefl test
origin: How to Speak Intelligently on Almost Any Subject (
This exercise can be done for as little time as you have or as much time as you have; it doesn’t matter. If you do this every day, your English will improve.
Here’s what you do.
1. Print out the list of the 100 most common words.
2. I’ve prepared a list of different types of questions and conversation/speaking topics. Pick any question from this list.
3. Each day, randomly choose words from the list of the 100 most common words in English and use those words to answer ...
Do You Know the 100 Most Common Words in English?
published by Vera H (17/01/10)
tags: toefl ibt writing, toefl speaking, toefl test
origin: Do You Know the 100 Most Common Words in English? (
There are many strategies and philosophies about the best way to learn a language. But no matter how you do it, one thing is certain: All languages are made up of words. If you know the most important words in the language and how to use them, you will be able to communicate well.
I’ll give you an example of what I’m talking about. When I was a university student, I spent 6 weeks studying French in a summer immersion program in Chicoutimi, Quebec. The main language of that city is ...
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iBT Speaking and Writing - how do they stack up to the real thing? (Part 1)
published by Kalina Koleva (28/10/09)
tags: ibt writing, toefl ibt speaking, toefl ibt writing
origin: iBT Speaking and Writing - how do they stack up to the real thing? (Part 1) (
As an English language educator based for a long time in South Korea, I have to confess to being rather heartened when rumors began to circulate in the market about the arrival of iBT - a new "next generation" Internet-based version of the TOEFL.
Having gone through the experience of preparing Korean teenagers for TOEIC, then CBT (Computer-Based TOEFL) - as the market swung around somewhat chaotically through such test fads - I was looking forward to the idea of more integrated skills and ...
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TOEFL iBT Writing skills
published by Vincente Cormier (19/10/09)
tags: toefl, toefl ibt, toefl ibt writing
origin: TOEFL iBT Writing skills (
The last section of the TOEFL is Writing, which lasts for about 50 minutes. It consists of two parts: the integrated writing task (150-225 words) and the independent writing task (300-350 words).
If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing so much in such a short time, remember that writing is a skill that can be developed. Many TOEFL guidebooks, such as Delta , Longman , Cambridge , and Barron's , present detailed strategies to help you organize and focus your writing. They also provide ...
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This section is intended to deliver useful TOEFL learning resources submitted by our students for the purpose of helping each other to prepare better for the TOEFL Test. All materials are published with non-commercial purpose and the origin of the material is provided. If you have come across good TOEFL preparation materials and if you would like to share them with other TOEFL iBT students through our website, we will be glad to reward your effort with a free TOEFL iBT Component of your choice - Reading or Listening. To receive your free TOEFL Component your material should be approved and published. In order to publish the suggested TOEFL material, it should comply with the following rules:
• all fields in the submission form to be filled in correctly
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